Monday, August 27, 2012

One Tin Soldier

Click here to view video.

Here is our fourth collaboration.  LAURA, JOANIE and I (FLOYD) make up "THE MARANATHA UKULELE TRIO".   I live on the U.S.East coast, Laura is from the U.S. Pacific North West coast, and Joanie is from the U.S. Rocky Mountains. We each share a love for the ukulele and a commitment to our Lord, Jesus Christ.  We hope you enjoy our cover of "ONE TIN SOLDIER". This song was originally recorded in the 60s by the band "Castle".   The message of this song is an example of how Greed and Envy can affect our lives.

Laura's channel:
Joanie's channel:
Floyd's channel:
Floyd's web page:

Friday, August 10, 2012

And In That Day

Click here to view video.

I originally wrote this scripture song "And In That Day - John 16:23-24" to help me remember this scripture.  I wrote it on my piano.   Over the years I had forgotten about it.  About a week ago, after hearing this scripture verse in a sermon, I started singing it again and I arranged it for my ukulele and harmonica.   I am dedicating this song to a YouTube friend who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and I pray this will be a comfort to her.

Copyright 1973, Floyd Amason